Teen Consumer Spending Habits

Teen Consumer Spending Habits

As many teenagers have part-time jobs or receive allowances from their parents, they have reached the point in their lives where they must make decisions about how to spend their money.  It is true that teens’ spending habits are heavily influenced by their image, but that is not the only aspect that has an impact … Read more

Youth Leadership Training Ideas

Youth Leadership Training Ideas

Providing adequate opportunities for skill-building in youth ensures a brighter future for everyone. Leadership encompasses a wide variety of personality traits and skills that can be encouraged in every young person. 10 Youth Leadership Training Ideas Great leaders are able to work within a group setting to achieve shared goals using effective communication and teamwork. … Read more

Create a Virtual Friend

Create a Virtual Friend

With the growing popularity of online social networking sites, many teens are creating new virtual friends. Reasons for creating a virtual friend online vary.  Some teens may just want to meet kids from different countries or backgrounds while others want to pass the time. Unlike normal virtual pets or even some types of virtual boyfriends, … Read more