What are some creative ways to invite someone to homecoming? It can be challenging to come up with good homecoming ideas since you want to be original but not over the top. Inviting someone to homecoming in a cute or creative way can make the proposal memorable, but not overdone!
What Is Homecoming?
Homecoming is usually held in the fall, but it isn’t as popular as prom. The first or last game on the school’s home field is usually played by the school’s big team (usually the football team). Former alumni, parents, and family members are also welcome to attend the event and get involved in the school.
As part of the homecoming event, there is also a large dance banquet. It is often the dance that is the most exciting part of homecoming for most high school students, and everyone has to figure out what to wear.
A Few Creative Homecoming Invite Ideas
It can be difficult to decide how to ask someone to homecoming. Make your date feel special by asking them out in a unique way. Consider these options:
- Organise a treasure hunt. You can leave a note in the locker of the person of interest telling him/her to be at a certain place at a certain time. If he/she does not know where to go next, leave another clue there. You should ask him or her if he/she will go to homecoming with you in the last note. When you see the person reading the note, hide somewhere close so you can come out when you see them.
- You can draw the question on the sidewalk or driveway of the person’s home if you know where the person lives. Make sure the person’s parents are aware of this before you do something like this.
- Create a Spotify playlist and share it with your potential date. “Homecoming with (insert name)?” should be labeled on the playlist.
- You might consider singing out your desire for a homecoming date in front of your potential date if you are the bold type. Make sure he/she isn’t too shy before you approach him/her.
- Leaving a note on the windshield of the driver’s car is a good idea if the person is of driving age.
- If you want to ask a question, you can buy a box of chocolates and write it in icing. Alternatively, you can bake cookies or a cake to achieve the same result.
- Have a drink with your potential date during lunch. Add a straw with a little flag to the drink. Put something on the flag that asks “Will you go to homecoming with me?” or “Homecoming + you + me = :)?”
- Floating a small boat with a message can be a great way to deliver the message if you live near water, such as a lake. Are you not near a body of water? During homeroom, you could deliver your message using a remote control car.
- Write a poem and place it in the locker of your potential date.
- If you are too shy to ask your date in person, you could mail them a handmade card. You can place it on his/her front porch if you don’t want to mail it.
- It’s always a great idea to give stuffed animals to a boy or girl. It’s always nice to hold onto something cuddly. Purchase three small stuffed animals from the dollar store. Every day, leave one of the animals. Write a note saying “Hope you’re feeling warm and fuzzy enough to come homecoming with me” on the last stuffed animal.
Cute Ways to Ask a Girl to Homecoming
It can make a world of difference to someone when you ask them in a thoughtful way. You might consider asking your potential date the following questions:
- The back of the shirt should say “homecoming?” and the front should have the girl’s name. After she responds, give her a beautiful bouquet of flowers during lunch or at her locker. Ask her friends what her favorite flowers are so you can be extra prepared.
- The inside lid of the box should say “Will you go to homecoming with me?” as a special surprise if you’re asking your girlfriend or someone you’ve started dating.
- If you take your potential date out for dinner, ask the waiter to bring a dessert that says “Homecoming?”
Cute Ways to Ask a Guy to Homecoming
You can ask a guy to homecoming in a couple of sweet ways. The following can be done:
- Customize M&Ms with “Homecoming?” written on them. Put them in your potential date’s locker if you can get the combination from a friend, or put them in his backpack.
- You can ask your potential date to homecoming by writing a sweet note and putting it inside a balloon. The balloon should be blown up and tied to the backpack or the car of the boy. When he sees there’s something inside the balloon, he’ll pop it to see your cute letter.
Asking Someone to Homecoming: Poster Ideas
You can make your date feel special by coming up with a cute poster. When it comes to actually asking, you can go it alone or have friends assist you. Your poster can be made as follows:
- Have each friend hold up a poster with one word on it and present each poster board one at a time to reveal the surprise. Add glitter and hearts to the poster.
- Let’s Dance the Night Away, Homecoming with me – What do you say? Write “yes or no” at the bottom of the poster and let them circle their answer. Bring a large sharpie marker. A cute picture of the two of you together can be glued to the board if you have it.
- Decorate the board with confetti and read “Let’s Party- Homecoming?”.
How to Ask a Cheerleader to Homecoming
There are some fun ways you can incorporate cheerleading into your proposal if you want to invite a cheerleader to the homecoming dance. The following can be done:
- Prepare a funny cheer or chant for your potential date and dress up like a cheerleader. Their faces will definitely light up when they see this.
- Your potential date’s car should be adorned with pom-poms. Make sure each pom-pom reads one or two words spelling out “Will you come to homecoming with me?” Attach a note to each one.
- Chant a cute cheer during lunch or after school to your potential date with a few friends.
Creative Homecoming Asks Over Text
Sending your potential date a text is a good option if you are shy or just want something private. Consider the following:
- Sending your potential date a cute video. Let your feelings be known or keep things short and sweet. Either way, customize your video to your date’s tastes. Try to inject some lightheartedness or humor into your video if your potential date has a sense of humor.
- Make a funny meme or emoji. Include writing at the bottom asking them to the homecoming dance if you want to use a dancing person or animal.
- Find a funny dancing meme and text it. Follow up with a message inviting them to the dance.
One More Way to Ask Someone to Homecoming
When it comes down to it, awesome ways of asking someone out are nice, but what matters most is that someone is asked out in the first place. You don’t need to worry if you can’t come up with an idea that you actually like.
See what your potential date says when you ask him/her out. In the worst case scenario, the person will say no.